Sunday, April 20, 2014

Placement refelction

            At the end of the two placements for practicum, all I can think is that I cannot wait to student teach and to eventually have my own classroom. Being in the teaching role has never quite felt like a role to me, it has always felt like me. If I am scared of anything, it is probably taking the restrictions and guidelines that an administration and school department gives me and making it what I feel is necessary to teach the students. Overall, I’d have to say what excites me the most is that in the fall, I will get to meet a large group of wonderful high school students that I will spend an entire semester with. The worst part about the practicum placements was that they are not long enough and when the students start to get attached and really open up to you in their room, you have to leave. Luckily this is not the case in student teaching where I will really have the chance to get to know my students. This is definitely the most exciting part.
            To look at teaching two days and the differences. The second day of teaching is always completely different from the first. The first day of taking over a class, the students are not sure what to expect and they hold themselves back a little bit more or are more outspoken and forceful, trying to feel out what they are able to get away with. On the second day, students definitely fall more into their own paths and will let their sillier or more outgoing sides go. They see that while instructing their class, you will not bit their heads off.

            I am curious to find out where I will be placed and with whom. I know I can get along with almost anyone, but I really want to be placed with a teacher I completely click with and can show me a lot of really cool things. I have heard some horror stories, and that in itself is really scary to me when I think about my student teaching. But all in all I’m thinking positive, and I have not had any disastrous experiences yet.


  1. Nate, I really like that you focus on the relationships first as opposed to the pedagogy. It takes time to build trust, and that will happen in student teaching for sure :)

  2. I agree with you, Nate. It feels like just as those bonds began forming we were gearing up to finish our placement time. It bummed me out too. I was really looking forward to seeing students and hearing little tidbits about their upcoming senior projects and presentations. I think it is a wonderful thing that you recognize your ability to get along with everyone! That is an extremely useful quality and one that I am sure you will put to great use in your future teaching career.

  3. Your first two sentences are really great. Keep those in mind.

    I agree about the short time. Bonds are breaking just as they start to form, and it's too bad. But I'm glad you're optimistic for student teaching. I'm sure you'll do a wonderful job.
